Saturday, January 15, 2011

Creating the Menu

Dancers:  Norma Fong, Chin-chin Hsu, Yu-Mien Wu
Today's 's rehearsal was the first time I had the dancers in the studio for the creative process of Moveable Feast.  What exactly is Moveable Feast?  It is three servings of the same ingredient.  And as I search more about how I am going to present this, I found myself very inspired with having bodies in the studio and getting my ideas out of what was for the longest time just an image in my head.  

It seems so perfect that the first time I made a Thanksgiving meal was just in 2010.  Preparing this piece is just like Thanksgiving.  What are the steps in order to make that happen?  Well, first off, you've got to create the menu.   

Even before the dancers came to rehearsal, there was still a lot of prepping.  I had to ask myself how I am going to present Project. B. through Moveable Feast.  Music, costumes, and casting visited my dreams every night for the last several weeks.  I went in to the studio several times on my own and tried to create movement that I thought might be useful for the imagery that I wanted to portray.  These were all just part of the first steps.  These were still just parts of the creation of the menu.  And my dancers, the music, and the costumes, just ingredients to what I am about to cook up.

I felt we got plenty done today.  Figuring out different flavors, finding how one can go with another, as well as how dancers work together....

Today, I invited a new dancer into the Project. B. family.  I think I found a new ingredient that might just add a bit of spice to the mix.  In the meantime, we've just started so stay tuned and we will keep you updated on what's to come.  

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