Friday, February 10, 2012


Chen-wei took 6 weeks of his visit from Taiwan to apprentice with Project. B. During this time, he learned Sol y Sombra and understudied the main dancers of the company. Thank you to Chen-wei for all his hard work. We hope to work with him again in the future. 

Get to know this amazing dancer! 

Where are you from?
Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Where did you study?
Taiwan National University of Arts, Taipei, Taiwan

How long have you been dancing?
I started dancing in high school, it's been 7 years.

What got you into dancing?
I was not very good at my academics when I was in middle school, and I didn't have any interest or goal to aim on. So my sister came up with an idea, she said she would train me for a month before the audition for Tsoying High School dance department. She took a bet with my father believing dance will change my life somehow. I was trained by my sister in our tiny little room for a month, and I got accepted into the dance program. And now, dance is part of my life. I guess my sister was quite right! :)

What dancer(s) or people inspire you?
Everyone who has grown with me and people who are in my daily life are always the inspirations to my art.

What inspires you to keep on dancing?
I really enjoy every second, minute and hour when I am in the world of creating dance, I like that I have to incorporate my whole being into one goal from thinking to an idea, from experimenting to failures, and from accomplishment to discovering more possibilities. 
And I also feel very delight during the moments on stage sharing my dance with people.

Who are your role models?
I don't have one specific role model, I think every person I've met is a role model who has something special I can learn from. 

Outside of dancing professionally, do you have any hobbies or other interests?
I can tumble and do flips very very good. I am also good at cooking and like to cook for people.
And my useless talent is "sleep", I can sleep under any conditions, any time, any where.

Have you ever used your talents for the good of the community?
Yes! I teach in several dance studios in Taipei. It's really fun to pass down what I know and share dance and time with students. One of the sites I am teaching is an orphanage in Taipei, what I look for in the classroom has always been a smile from the children when they move their bodies. When I see the children express themselves through dance, I feel the simplest joy in the world!! 

What was your most embarrassing dance moment?
It was my first oversea performance in Hong Kong, 2006. I just learned how to do back flip and had to perform in a Chinese martial art piece. I felt pretty confident to show off my new trick on stage. Here comes the moment, everything was going well, I ran and pliƩ(ed) and jumped and flipped in the air then I landed cooly on my feet! One second after, I tripped myself with my foot and fell on stage ungracefully (actually it was ugly) that killed my moment of glory......

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