Monday, March 28, 2011

Video Shoot

Mike directing Yu-mien

I've been holding my tongue for the last month to talk about this project that finally took place yesterday here in the Bay Area.

About a month ago, a commercial photographer/ videographer based here in the Bay Area, approached Project. B. to help in creating a test shoot for a project he wanted to create.  The last month, I've been in communication with him about bringing in 2 dancers, as well as using my piece Triquetra as the basis for the movement that he would shoot for the project.

Camera following Katherine
Well, I really wasn't sure if it would happen but yesterday, from 5 pm to 2 in the morning, his crew of twelve, and my crew of three worked on creating snippets of a dancer's life in the studio.

It inspired me to see another artist manifest an idea and be so dedicated to the work.  I watched him for 9 hours hold the shoot with so much drive.  You could see that he had a vision and that he was there to capture it and bring it to life.

There were other aspects of the shoot that I could talk on and on about.  But I think I'll wait to tell you more about who he is and where this project goes next in the near future.  In the meantime,
SAVE THE DATE:  MOVEABLE FEAST                                   MAY 10 AND 11, 8 PM
@ the GARAGE

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