Saturday, July 30, 2011

Sotto Voce Opening Night

Several years ago, Krissy Keefer of Dance Mission Theater, brought to the dance community an amazing program called the Down and Dirty Series; DIRT meaning dancing in revolting times.  In these times of hardship, funding for the arts keeps dwindling and getting cut, and new evolving artists like myself find it harder to receive funding and show our work.  Krissy Keefer and the Dance Brigade gave 7 artists the opportunity to show their work in their Theater for 2-3 nights, discounted rehearsal space, free lighting designer and sound tech, a theater manager, box office manager, and 30% of the box office.  What an amazing opportunity!!!

When I applied for the Down and Dirty Series, I wanted so much to be able to show my work in a bigger stage.  All my pieces, I believe, moves big and the spatial patterns that I envisioned for them needed a stage like Dance Mission Theater.  When I received the acceptance letter that Nol Simonse and I were sharing 3 nights at the theater, I was honored, excited, and nervous all at the same time.  Yes, I will have a bigger space but will I be able to fill the house with an audience?

I did the usual mass e-mail, full calendar, Dancers' Group, website advertising but I was still scared we wouldn't see any results.  So it seems that because neither Nol Simonse  and I are on Facebook, no one really seems to care about looking at the paper or email blasts anymore.  I've been resisting Facebook for so long and wondered if I should join.  I still resisted and yet was still very nervous for opening night of Sotto Voce (the title of our show).

Until about 5 minutes before the show started on opening night, I hid backstage and had knots in my stomach due to the fact that I thought maybe only 30 people would be sitting in the audience, 7 of them on the dancers' comp list.  And as I entered through the side door of the house, I look up to see that although not a sold-out house, we had a full house.  It was a beautiful sight to see friends, the dance community, and new faces in the audience.

It's funny what will make you nervous.  I wasn't nervous for my pieces at all or the tech.  Harry Rubeck, who lit my piece was so amazing to work with.  What was supposed to be a low-tech down and dirty show, turned out to be more.  He lit my pieces with so much artistry and brought out the vision I wanted to portray in my pieces.  It was a dream come true to see the dancers move to their fullest potential.  They deserved no less and they were lit beautifully.

We will see how tonight and Sunday night will go.  But I do thank Dance Mission Theater, Krissy Keefer, and the wonderful and positive staff for all they have given me.  Although under the radar, Project. B. shared our voice in a big way.

If you weren't there last night, I hope you will join us for tonight's 8pm performance or Sunday night's 7 pm performance of Sotto Voce at Dance Mission Theater.